번호 |
단어 |
의미 |
531 |
indulgence |
n.멋대로 하게 둠;멋대로 함;면죄;응석을 받음 the car is one of my few - . His - toward his sons |
530 |
induction |
n.끌어드림;유도;귀납법;전수 - into the faith the league's induction into the Baseball Hall of Fame" |
529 |
indignation |
n.분노;의분;분개 |
528 |
indignant |
a.성난;분개한 he was - |
527 |
indifference |
n.무관심;아무래도 좋음; 대수롭지 않음; 무차별;평범 to, toward, about, as to |
526 |
incompatible |
a.양립할 수 없는;모순된;상반되는 n.배합금기약 |
525 |
infringe |
vt.어기다;위반하다;침해하다 - his copyright |
524 |
iniquity |
n.부정;불법;부정행위 |
523 |
insolent |
a.건방진;무례한;거만한 - pride |
522 |
insistence |
n.주장;강요;고집;강조 |
521 |
insinuate |
vt.넌지시 비치다;빗대어 말하다 pleasure are actually-ing something |
520 |
insidious |
서서히 퍼지는 the - thing about these things is. the changes are- |
519 |
innate |
a.타고난;천성의 - human tendency |
518 |
injunction |
n.명령;훈령;지령 |
517 |
hitherto |
ad.지금까지는;아직 adj.지금까지 there is a need to replace what has hitherto been a haphazard method of payment |
516 |
hoard |
n.축적;비장;저장(물);보고 vt.저장하다;저금하다 |
515 |
hoax |
vt.골탕을 먹이다;감쪽같이 속이다 n.감쪽같이 속임 |
514 |
hoist |
vt.올리다;감아 올리다;달아 올리다 n.승강기;도둑질 dad -s me on his shoulders |
513 |
homogeneity |
n.동종(성);동질(성);균질성(도);동차성 |
512 |
hostility |
n.적의;적대;전쟁 hostile behavior; unfriendliness or opposition. "their hostility to all outsiders" |
511 |
imbued |
흡수된, 침투한, 물든, 적신, 주입된 is - with |
510 |
imminent |
a.임박한;절박한;긴급한 |
509 |
impersonal |
a.비인격적인;개인에 관계가 없는;비인칭의 not friendly or make you unimportant. a large- orphanage. criticized for being too - |
508 |
impervious |
a.격렬한;통과시키지 않는;손상되지 않은;둔감한, 영향 받지 않는 unable to be affected by. "he worked, apparently impervious to the heat" our longing are |
507 |
implacable |
a.달래기 힘드는;앙심깊은;무자비한;용서없는 he was an implacable enemy of Ted's" |
506 |
incandescent |
adj.백열의;눈부신;의욕에 불타는;빛을 내는 full of strong emotion; passionate. "Mravinsky's incandescent performance of Siegfried's Funeral Ma |
505 |
incest |
근친상간 |
504 |
gusto |
n.즐김;기호;취미;기품;예술적 향기 grab all the - you can get |
503 |
grimace |
얼굴을 찡그리다 "she gave a grimace of pain" |
502 |
grapple |
vt.쥐다;파악하다;갈고리로 걸다;격투하다 n.분투 - with Corona |
501 |
governance |
n.통치;통할;관리;제어;통치법;관리법, 치리 subject to- |
500 |
gouging |
gouge, gouged, gouging, gouges, 찌르다, 박다, 부당하게 값을 올리다 price - |
499 |
gynecologist |
n.부인과의사 |
498 |
hatchet |
n.손도끼;자귀 Bury the hatchet is an American English idiom meaning "to make peace". |
497 |
haughty |
adj.오만한;건방진 |
496 |
havoc |
n.파괴;황폐 vt.파괴하다;부수다 someone wreaks havoc upon them |
495 |
heed |
vt.유의하다;조심하다 n.주의;배려 pay attention to them let' him give heed to these things |
494 |
heifer |
n.(아직 새끼를 낳지않은)어린 암소;(예쁜)여자 |
493 |
heredity |
n.유전;형질유전;세습;전통 |
492 |
hinge |
n.경첩;돌쩌귀;관절;(일의)요점 vt.돌쩌귀를 달다. v. attach or join with or as if with a hinge. The plan - on a deal with a company |
491 |
frivolous |
경솔한, 경박한, 시시한 make celebration - |
490 |
fraudulent |
a.사기(행위)의;부정의;속이는 - work 부실공사 |
489 |
fortified |
강화된, 방어를 견고히 한(요새화한), (식품의) 영양가를 높인(보강된) |
488 |
formidable |
a.무서운;만만치 않은;얕잡을 수 없는 inspiring fear or respect through being impressively large, powerful, intense, or capable. "a formidable |
487 |
foreboding |
n.육감;예감;전조(omen);예언 |
486 |
fulcrum |
n.지레의 받침대;지레받침 the heart is the - of the human person |
485 |
fundamentalism |
n. 근본주의, 원리주의. fundamentalist n..a form of a religion, especially Islam or Protestant Christianity, that upholds belief in the s |
484 |
futility |
n.무용;무익;쓸데없는 것;하찮은 것 |
483 |
germane |
a.밀접한 관계가 있는;적절한 findings are - to our point |
482 |
glib |
a.잘지껄이는;입심좋은;유창한;그럴 듯한 we cannot be glib about our corruption |
481 |
gnosticism |
n. a. 영지(그노시스)설(초기 기독교 시대의 신비 철학) |
480 |
gorge |
n.목구멍;협곡;폭식;포식 vt.vi.포식하다 |
479 |
gormandize |
vt.vi.많이 먹다;게걸스럽게 마구 먹다;포식하다 devour, gobble up/down, wolf down |
478 |
facet |
n.(보석,결정체의)작은면;일면;양상 vt.작은면을내다 important facet of |
477 |
fabric |
n.천;구조;구조물;피륙;직물;건조물 strengthen the fabric of |
476 |
extravaganza |
n.기발하고 별난 작품;광상곡;언뚱한 언행 an elaborate and spectacular entertainment or production. "an extravaganza of dance in many forms" |
475 |
exploitation |
n.이용;개발;개척;벌채;불법이용;착취 Many of them will have involved the exploitation of labor, unsafe and insecure working conditions, and mor |
474 |
explicit |
a.명백한;명확한;노골적인;숨김없는"the speaker's intentions were not made explicit |
473 |
fascism |
n.파시즘(국수주의) characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of society and of t |
472 |
fencer |
n.검객;검술가;펜싱 선수;담을 수리하는 사람 |
471 |
fertile |
a.비옥한;다산의;번식력있는 |
470 |
fidgety |
adj.안절부절 못하는;안달하는 |
469 |
fiduciary |
a.신용상의;신탁의;신용발행의 n.수탁자;피신탁자 |
468 |
figurine |
n.작은 상 a statuette, especially one of a human form. |
467 |
foible |
n.약점;결점;무척 좋아하는 것;칼의 약한 부분 |
466 |
fondling |
n.귀염받는 사람;애완 동물 stroke or caress lovingly or erotically. "the dog came over to have his ears fondled" |
465 |
eschew |
vt.피하다;삼가다 deliberately avoid using; abstain from. "he appealed to the crowd to eschew violence" |
464 |
eruption |
n.폭발;분화;발발;분출물;폭발;부스럼 |
463 |
erstwhile |
ad.이전에;옛날에;최초에 a.이전의;옛날의 former "his erstwhile rivals" adverb formerly. "Mary Anderson, erstwhile the queen of America's s |
462 |
epistemic |
a. 지식(인식)의(에 관한) |
461 |
episcopal |
a.감독의;제도의;감독파의 n.감독파의사람;감독교회원 |
460 |
epiphany |
n. 주현절(1월 6일) 동방박사가 예수님 만난 날을 기리는 날 |
459 |
et al |
기타;그 밖의(사람에게는 et alibi로 표현) |
458 |
ethological |
행동학 |
457 |
expandible |
확대할수있는, 증가할수있는, 팽창할수있는 |
456 |
exonerate |
vt.무죄로 하다;용서하다;결백을 증명하다;면제하다 as his lawyers seek to exonerate him. |
455 |
exhilarated |
a. 기분이 들뜬, 명랑한 be - with her love |
454 |
exasperating |
adj.화나는;분통 터지는 avoid anything that produces exasperation in our children |
453 |
eudemonic |
행복의 |
452 |
etiology |
n.원인론;병인학 |
451 |
elusive |
a.(교묘히)회피하는;이해하기 어려운;알 수 없는difficult to find, catch, or achieve. "success will become ever more elusive" |
450 |
emancipate |
vt.해방하다;이탈시키다 |
449 |
emancipated |
a. 해방된, 전통에 얽매이지 않는, 자주적인, 자유인의 |
448 |
empirical |
a.경험의;경험적인;돌팔이의사같은 |
447 |
enact |
vt.법령화하다;규정하다;제정하다;공연하다 make (a bill or other proposal) law. "legislation was enacted in 1987 to attract international companie |
446 |
encapsulate |
vt.캡술에 넣다;요약하다 vi.캡술로 보호하다 "the conclusion is encapsulated in one sentence" |
445 |
enhanced |
a. 중대한, 높인, 강화한 stay- |
444 |
enigma |
n.수수께끼;불가해한 사물 |
443 |
enjoin |
vt.-에게 명령하다;요구하다;강요하다 |
442 |
enmesh |
vt.망으로 잡다;망에 걸리게 하다;(곤란에)빠뜨리다 |
441 |
enmity |
n.적의;증오;불화;반목 the state or feeling of being actively opposed or hostile to someone or something. "decades of enmity between the |
440 |
enslave |
vt.노예로 삼다;예속시키다 |
439 |
epic |
n.서사시;사시;대작 a.서사시의;대작의;영웅적인heroic or grand in scale or character. "his epic journey around the world" |
438 |
diviner |
n.점치는 사람;점쟁이;예언자 |
437 |
dissolute |
a.방종한;방탕한 - professional lax in morals; licentious. "a dissolute, drunken, disreputable rogue" leading a dissolute lifestyle |
436 |
dissent |
vt.-와 의견이 다르다;이의를말하다 n.이의;국교반대 religious- |
435 |
dissension |
n.의견차이;불화;의견충돌 |
434 |
disparity |
n.부동;불균형;불균형;불일치 |
433 |
docetism |
예수 가현설 earliest Gnostics |
432 |
domain |
n.영토;영역;소유지;분야 |
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