번호 |
단어 |
의미 |
431 |
dyad |
n.(한 단위로서의)2;한쌍 |
430 |
dysphoric |
불쾌, 불쾌 기분 a dysphoric mood a dysphoric person |
429 |
ecological |
adj.생태학의 |
428 |
efficacy |
n.효능;효험 |
427 |
elated |
a.의기양양한;우쭐대는 make (someone) ecstatically happy. "I felt elated at beating Dennis" |
426 |
elude |
vt.교묘히 피하다;회피하다;면하다 it can - our awareness |
425 |
deviant |
a. n. (표준에서)벗어난, 정상이 아닌, 이상한, 사회의 상식(습관)에서 벗어난 사람, (특히 성적)이상 성격자 |
424 |
derogatory |
경멸하는, 비판적인, 부정적인 that's not- |
423 |
deprivation |
n.탈취;박탈;파면;가치박탈 |
422 |
depleted |
고갈된, 감소한 you are- in that area |
421 |
denouement |
n. 대단원, 종결 the dramatic- was reaching them 극적 결말이 그들에게 다가오고 있었다 |
420 |
denote |
vt.나타내다;표시하다 "this mark denotes purity and quality" "the level of output per firm, denoted by X" |
419 |
devise |
vt.고안하다;계획하다 - a plan |
418 |
diabolical |
a.악마의;극악무도한 - self |
417 |
disdain |
vt.경멸하다 n.경멸the feeling that someone or something is unworthy of one's consideration or respect; contempt. "her upper lip curl |
416 |
discourse |
n.강연;설교;이야기;담화 vi.말하다;강연하다 |
415 |
disaffiliate |
vt. (단체에서)..을 제명하다, (..와)인연을 끊다, 탈퇴하다 |
414 |
dire |
a.무서운;극도의;긴급한 - situation |
413 |
didactic |
a.교훈적인 |
412 |
dichotomy |
n.이분법;대생;이분하는 일;이차분지, 서로 다른 대응하는 a division or contrast between two things that are or are represented as being opposed or enti |
411 |
debunk |
vt.정체를 폭로하다;헐뜯다;가면을 벗기다 |
410 |
decapitate |
vt.목을 베다;참수하다;해고하다 |
409 |
deceit |
n.사기;기만;계략 answered with - |
408 |
decimate |
vt.10명에 한명꼴로 죽이다;열에서 하나를 뽑다 |
407 |
defamation |
n.명예 훼손;중상;비방 |
406 |
defiance |
n.도전;반항적태도 open resistance; bold disobedience. "the demonstration was held in defiance of official warnings" |
405 |
deficiency |
n.결핍;부족;결함 |
404 |
dejected |
a.낙담한;기운없는 의기소침한, 기가 죽은 sad and depressed; dispirited. "he stood in the street looking dejected" |
403 |
delineate |
vt.윤곽을 그리다;묘사하다;기술하다;약도를 그리다. 정확하게 서술하다 - a border = you say exactly where it is going to be |
402 |
delinquency |
n.과실;범죄;태만;체납(금) |
401 |
demented |
a.발광한;정신착란상태의 |
400 |
demeter |
n. 농업의 여신 |
399 |
demonetization |
n.(본위 화폐로서의)통용폐지;폐화 the withdrawal of a coin, note, or precious metal from use as legal tender. "the demonetization of the loca |
398 |
convocation |
n.(회의의)소집;집회 |
397 |
convergence |
n.한점에 모여듦;집중성 |
396 |
contrite |
adj.죄를 깊이 뉘우치는 - heart |
395 |
contingent |
adj.부수적인;나름의;일어날지도 모르는 subject to chance. "the contingent nature of the job" occurring or existing only if (certain circumstan |
394 |
contingency |
n.우연성;우발;우발사건;뜻하지 않는 사고;임시비용 -plan |
393 |
cooingly |
달콤하게 속삭이며 |
392 |
corporal |
adj.신체의;육체의 n.상등병;성체포 |
391 |
countenance |
n.표정;생김새;용모;냉정;장려;지지;찬조;후원 he has an impressive- |
390 |
courant |
잘 아는, 사정에 밝은 the faith to appear au - =aware, fully informed : UP-TO-DATE |
389 |
courteous |
adj.예의바른;정중한 |
388 |
curvilinear |
adj.곡선의 |
387 |
dandy |
n.멋장이;일품 a.멋있는;일류의 ad.훌륭하게 |
386 |
debonair |
a.상냥한;쾌활한;활기찬;명랑한 (of a man) confident, stylish, and charming. "all the men looked debonair and handsome in white tie and tails |
385 |
congenial |
adj.같은 성질의;성미에 맞는;적합한;기분좋은;쾌적한 (of a person) pleasant because of a personality, qualities, or interests that are similar to one |
384 |
confide in |
비밀을 털어 놓다 Lord - those who fear him |
383 |
conduit |
n.도관;수도;도랑;암거;선거 사람이나 나라를 연결하는 사람 또는 나라 specific object, person, location, or process (such as engaging in a séance or entering |
382 |
conceited |
adj.자만심이 강한;잘난 체하는 |
381 |
comprehension |
n.이해;이해력;포괄 |
380 |
consecrated |
consecrate, consecrated, consecrating, consecrates, 축성하다, 성별하다, 섯임하다, 바치다, 봉헌하다 |
379 |
consoling |
adj.위안이 되는 played role of a mother- them |
378 |
conspiracy |
n.음모;공모 |
377 |
constancy |
n.정절;항구성;불변 |
376 |
consternate |
vt.fill (someone) with anxiety. "the letter consternated me and flung me into a depression consternation 섬뜻 놀라게 하다 feelings of |
375 |
consummate |
vt.완성하다;달성시키다 adj.완성된;완전한;순진한"his scheme of colonization was consummated through bloodshed" |
374 |
contemplate |
v.깊이 생각하다;응시하다 "he sat on the carpet contemplating his image in the mirrors" "he sat morosely contemplating |
373 |
circumvent |
vt.선수치다;속이다;에워싸다;회피하다;우회하다 attempt to - |
372 |
coercive |
adj.강제적인;강압적인 |
371 |
cohesive |
adj.밀착성이 있는;결합력이 있는 |
370 |
colloquy |
n.담화;회화;(미의회)자유토의 1.FORMAL a conversation. "they broke off their colloquy at once" 2.a gathering for discussion of theological |
369 |
coloratura |
n.콜로라투라;콜로라투라 가수 adj.콜로라투라의 elaborate melody, particularly in vocal music a marvelous- soprano |
368 |
competence |
n.능력;적격;상당한 재산;권능;권한 |
367 |
chastity |
n.순결;정절 |
366 |
cerebral |
adj.대뇌의;뇌의;지적인 n.반전음 |
365 |
catacomb |
n.지하묘지;(로마의)카타콤 |
364 |
capricious |
adj.변덕스러운 - whims |
363 |
cameo |
n.카메오세공;인상적인 장면 - appearance |
362 |
calibration |
n.구경 측정;눈금;포구 수정 |
361 |
binge eating |
폭식, 폭음 |
360 |
billowy |
a.놀치는;물결이 높은;소용돌이치는;부풀어 오른 |
359 |
beseech |
vt.간청하다;탄원하다;청하다 |
358 |
bereave |
vt.앗아가다;잃게 하다;빼앗다 you have -d me |
357 |
bequeath |
vt.유언으로 양도하다;남기다;전하다 - to us |
356 |
bohemian |
a. n. 보히미아의, 보히미아 사람, 방랑자 자유 방종한 생활을 하는 사람 |
355 |
botched |
botch, botched, botching, botches, 망치다"the ability to take on any task without botching it" |
354 |
breach |
n.(법률,약속 등의)위반;분열;침해 vt.vi.부수다 |
353 |
brood |
n.한 배의 병아리;종족 vi.알을 품다;심사숙고하다 |
352 |
burgeoning |
새싹 혹은 잎이 녹지를 내다, 꽃이 자라거나 피다, 성장이나 개발이 급속도로 이루어지는 것 - development |
351 |
bystander |
n.방관자;국외로 a person who is present at an event or incident but does not take part. "water cannons were turned on marchers and in |
350 |
cadence |
n.운율;억양;종지 vt.율동적으로 하다 prayed according to its- |
349 |
calibrate |
vt.구경을 재다;눈금을 매기다 carefully assess, set, or adjust (something abstract). "the regulators cannot properly calibrate the risks in |
348 |
autonomous |
a.자치권이 있는;자율의;자주적인 having the freedom to act independently. "an autonomous committee of the school board" |
347 |
auspicious |
a.경사스러운;길조의;상서로운 it was not the most auspicious moment to hold an election" |
346 |
atrocity |
잔혹행위 an extremely wicked or cruel act, typically one involving physical violence or injury. "war atrocities" |
345 |
atrium |
n.안마당;고대로마건축의 안뜰 shopping mall with glass roof |
344 |
atonement |
n.보상;죄값;예수의 속죄;조정 |
343 |
assimilate |
vt.동화시키다;흡수하다;소화하다 vi.소화되다 1.take in (information, ideas, or culture) and understand fully. "Marie tried to assimilate the week |
342 |
aversive |
a. 혐오의, (불쾌, 고통 등을)피하려고 하는, 회피적인 causing strong dislike or disinclination. "an aversive agent is added, which gives the antifre |
341 |
axiom |
n.자명한 이치 an - for novelists a statement or proposition which is regarded as being established, accepted, or self-evidently true |
340 |
azure |
a.푸른빛의;하늘빛 n.하늘색;창공 |
339 |
benign |
a.자비로운;친절한;온화한;양성의;인정많은 - audience |
338 |
benevolent |
a.자애로운;인정많은;자선의;친절한 well meaning and kindly. "a benevolent smile" |
337 |
beget |
vt.(자식을)보다;얻다;생기게 하다 |
336 |
bedrock |
n.반암;밑바닥;근저;기초;최하가격;기본원리 - of our society |
335 |
beatrice |
n. 베아트리체(단테가 애인을 모델로 한 이상의 여성) 기쁨을 주는 소녀 또는 사람 |
334 |
battered |
a. 박살난, 오래 써서 낡은, (생활에)지쳐서 초라해진 |
333 |
annihilate |
vt.전멸 시키다;(법률 따위를)무효로하다;제압하다 a simple bomb of this type could annihilate them all |
332 |
annul |
vt.무료로 하다;취소하다;폐기하다 |
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